I left Switzerland one week ago for the South Caucasus as part of a new professional assignment. News related to coronavirus (Covid) are everywhere in my online media review this morning, mostly in alarming terms. The pandemic is expanding or regaining strength in many parts of this world. Many people do their best to protect themselves and others. Not all of us, unfortunately. A French bus driver passed away recently after having been severely beaten by passengers to whom he had requested to wear a protective face mask in line with coronavirus rules. Being on preventive self-isolation for 14 days in my new host country, the piece of news saddens me to the highest point.
I spent the month of June on holidays in Switzerland and enjoyed much the stay. It was good to meet family and friends again, to revisit nice places and to discover new ones. Public health measures against the spread of the Covid pandemic were gradually relaxed considering the decreasing numbers of people affected.
I went on a photographic tour in my home Valais, as well as in Lausanne, Geneva and Basel areas. Half-way in this weird year 2020, I needed to enjoy natural beauty such as skies, waters, vegetation and… people. Hungry of art, I visited museums literally in a row and hunted street art in all places visited.
I much prefer street art and other forms of non-conventional art over artwork displayed in galleries or museums. Street art nurtures a symbiotic and mostly unexpected relationship with its physical and social environment. It speaks to us anytime in our daily life as much as we are receptive to its voice.
The following pictures were crafted against the aforementioned background. They represent a potpourri of locations as their guiding rod is more emotional and thematic rather than geographical. Frames were post-processed with stark contrasts and dominant colours to create a sense of oddity and psychedelia that reflect our peculiar and challenging times.
In short, the virtual gallery below displays Nature, People and Art in an unconventional sequencing with weird and vivid colours as antidote to the darkness and the frenzy of Covid pandemic.
Enjoy the visit!
Covid Antidote
Covid Antidote
My photographic journey did come across some references to the Covid pandemic indeed. For instance, a large human skull full of protective mask-covered faces and a harlequin looking so disappointed about the cancellation of the 2020 Basel Carnival. However, I was glad to read other topics of interest and concern – political, social and artistic. Like the hamster running endlessly on its spinning wheel, life must go on.